See below for instructions on where to find different parameters.
The SPC Surface Analysis map is a great tool for real time weather data. You can use it to see CAPE values, Lapse rates and Lifted Indexes.
Start by clicking on “Change Sector” to select region for which you want values and then use the following menu item to hone the data that you’re looking for.
- Observations – Use this tab to see observations from first order weather stations, get a printable surface map, view the visible satellite map, view radar data and vad/profiler data
- Surface – Use this tab to view MSL Pressure/Wind, Temperature, Wind and Dewpoint, Moisture Convergence, Theta-E Advection, Mixing Ration/Theta, Instantaneous Contraction Rate, Fluid Trapping, Velocity Tensor Magnitude, Divergence and Vorticity, Deformation and Axes of Dilatation, 2-hour pressure change, 3-hour temperature change, 3-hour dewpoint change, 3-hour 100mb Mixing Ratio Change and the 3-hour Theta-E Change
- Upper Air – Use this tab to view the 925mb Analysis, 850mb Analysis, 700mb Analysis, 500mb Analysis, 300mb Analysis, Deep Moist Convergence, Surface Frontogenesis, 850mb Temperature advection, 700mb temperature advection, 925mb Frontogenesis, 850mb Frontogenesis, 700mb Frontogenesis, 1000-925mb Frontogenesis, 925-850mb Frontogenesis, 850-700mb Frontogenesis, 700-500mb Frontogenesis, 700-400mb Diff. Vorticity Advection, 400-250mb Potential Vorticity Advection, 850-250mb Diff. Divergence, 300mb Jet Circulation, 12-hour 500mb Height Change, Fluid Trapping (500 & 250mb)
- Thermodynamics – Use this tab to view CAPE – Surface-based, CAPE – 100mb Mixed-layer, CAPE – Most unstable/LPL Height, EL Temp/MUCAPE/MUCIN, CAPE Normalized, CAPE Downdraft, Surface-based Lifted Index, Mid-Level Lapse Rates, Low-Level Lapse Rates, Max 2-6km AGL Lapse Rate, LCL Height, LFC Height, LCL-LFC Mean RH, 3-Hour Surface based CAPE Change, 3-Hour Surface based CIN Change, 3-Hour 100mb Mixed-Layer, CAPE Change, 3-Hour Most Unstable CAPE Change, 3-Hour Low-Level LR Change, 3-Hour Low-Level LR Change, 3-Hour Mid-Level LR Change
- Wind Shear – Use this tab to view Bulk Shear – Effective, Bulk Shear – Sfc-6km, Bulk Shear – Sfc-8km, Bulk Shear – Sfc-1km, BRN Shear, SR Helicity – Effective, SR Helicity – Sfc-3km, SR Helicity – Sfc -1km, SR Wind – Sfc-2km, SR Wind – 4-6km, SR Wind – 9-11km, SR Wind – Anvil Level, 850-300mb Mean Wind, 850 and 500mb Winds, 3hr Sfc-3km SR Helicity Change, 3hr Sfc-1km Bulk Shear Change, 3hr Sfc-6km Bulk Shear Change
- Composite Indices – Use this tab to view Supercell Composite, Supercell Composite (Left-moving), Significant Tornado (Fixed layer), Significant Tornado (effective layer), Conditional Probability of a Significant Tornado (equation 1), Conditional Probability of a Significant Tornado (Equation 2), Non-supercell Tornado, Significant Hail, SARS Hail Size, SARS Significant Hail Percentage, Large Hail Parameter, Derecho Composite, Craven/Brooks Significant Severe, Bulk Richardson Number, MCS Maintenance, Microburst Composite, Enhanced Stretching Potential, EHI – Sfc-1km, EHI – Sfc-3km, VGP – Sfc-3km
- Multi-Parameter Fields – Use this tab to view 100mb Mixed-LayerCAPE/Effective Bulk Shear, Most-unstable CAPE/Effective Bulk Shear, Most-Unstable Lifted Index/850 & 500mb Winds, LCL Height/Sfc-1km SR Helicity, Sfc-3km Lapse rate/Sfc-3km MLCAPE, Sfc Vorticity/Sfc-3km MLCAPE, Sfc Dewpoint/700-500mb Lapse Rates, Hail Parameters, Lowest 3km maximum Theta-e diff, MUCAPE and 0-3km Vector Shear, Lowest 3km maximum Theta-e diff, MLCAPE and 0-3km Vector Shear
- Heavy Rain – Use this tab to view Precipitable Water, Precipitable water (w/850mb Moisture Transport Vector), 850mb Moisture Transport, Upwind Propagation Vector, Precipitation Potential Placement
- Winter Weather – Use this tab to view Precipitation Type, Near-freezing Surface Temp, Surface Wet-bulb Temp, Freezing level, Critical Thicknesses, 800-750mb EPVg, 650-500mb EPVg, Lake Effect Snow 1, Lake Effect Snow 2, Snow Squall Parameter, Dentritic Growth Layer Depth, Dentritic Growth Layer RH, Dentritic Growth Layer Depth & RH, Max Wet Bulb Temperature
- Fire Weather – Use this tab to view Surface RH/Temp/Wind, Fosberg Index, Low Altitude, Haines Index, Mid Altitude Haines Index, High Altitude Haines Index, Lower Atmospheric Severity Index
- Classic – Use this tab to view Total Totals, K-index, Showalter index
- Beta – Use this tab to view SHERBE, Modified SHERBE, CWASP, Enhanced EHI, OPRH, Probability of EF0+, EF2+, EF4+ and Violent Tornado Parameter (VTP)