A creamy chicken sauce with steamed asparagus and fresh tomatoes, served over hot pasta Yield:
8 servings Ingredients:
1.5 pounds fresh asparagus, trimmed and cut into 2-inch pieces*
2 cups fresh tomatoes, diced
8 ounces spaghetti pasta, cooked according to package instructions
3 large boneless skinless chicken breasts (about 1.5 pounds), cut into bite-sized pieces
1 large onion, chopped (OR 1/4 cup dried onions)
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
1 cup sour cream
1/2 teaspoon basil
1 teaspoon oregano
salt, to taste
Shredded Parmesan cheese, for serving
1. Place diced chicken, onion, garlic, water, and butter into a heavy skillet and cook over medium or medium-high heat until chicken is fully cooked.
2. Pour 1 cup of the milk into the pan with the chicken. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour and the other cup of the milk. Add to chicken mixture and cook and stir until mixture bubbles and thickens.
3. Turn heat to low or warm. Stir in sour cream, basil, and oregano. Add salt to taste. (I like to make the sauce a little extra salty since I am not adding salt to the pasta or tomatoes.) Keep chicken sauce warm while the rest finishes:
4. Steam asparagus just until tender. Alternately, you can boil the asparagus for just a minute or two and then drain. The main thing is to just cook until tender. 🙂 Lightly salt asparagus before or after cooking, to taste.
5. To serve, layer hot pasta and top with hot steamed asparagus. Spoon chicken sauce over asparagus, sprinkle with diced tomatoes, and end with some shredded Parmesan cheese on top! Enjoy! 🙂

This recipe is from Tammy’s Recipes.