How to add music CD’s to Plex

How to rip Music CD’s for personal use

Let me start by saying that it is illegal to copy CD’s for sale or public use. It is OK to make copies for personal use so long as you do not circumvent security measures to make a copy. That is illegal! It’s important for you to understand this so you don’t get yourself in legal hot water. You can read more about this here and here.

That being said, use these instruction at your own risk. They are provided here for entertainment purposes and to educate you on the process of ripping CD’s so that you can watch the backup through Plex instead of having to insert the actual disk.

To create a backup of your CD (which from here on we will assume is not encrypted), you will need the following tool:

Start by downloading FRE:AC and install it on your server.

  • FRE:AC should detect the artist and song info
  • Click Browse and select the Output folder – use the same folder that you selected as your Music library in Plex
  • Click on the Button to have the conversion process start

Plex will add all of the artwork and metadata.